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booth 1 (de votación, teléfono, etc) cabina photo booth, fotomatón 2 (en una verbena) caseta 3 (feria) stand 4 ticket booth, taquilla 5 US (en el restaurante) mesa que tiene bancos corridos, compartimento, 6 cuarto, sitio, crepe paper papel crepé It is popular for streamers and other party decorations, but it has other uses as well. Props and costume accessories can be made of crepe paper. It can be soaked in a small amount of water to create a dye for Easter eggs, white cardstock, and other materials. Crepe paper can also be used to make paper flowers, appliqué, and paper sculpture. thud : a low dull sound as of a blow on a nonresonant surface. Ruido, golpe o chasquido sordo, whorl n. 1 a ring of leaves or other organs round a stem of a plant. 2 one turn of a spiral, esp. on a shell. 3 a complete circle in a fingerprint. 4 archaic a small wheel on a spindle steadying its motion. corolla a whorl [verticilo, spiral, espira] of leaves. Aureola, espira Cada una de las vueltas de una espiral. voluta adorno en figura de espiral o caracol mansion: casa enorme, casa solariega, residencia elegante, palacete prompt 1 a acting with alacrity; ready. b made, done, etc. readily or at once (a prompt reply). a (of a payment) made forthwith. b (of goods) for immediate delivery and payment. punctually (at six o'clock prompt). 1 (usu. foll. by to, or to + infin.) incite; urge (prompted them to action). 2 a (also absol.) supply a forgotten word, sentence, etc., to (an actor, reciter, etc.). b assist (a hesitating speaker) with a suggestion. 3 give rise to; inspire (a feeling, thought, action, etc.). 1?a an act of prompting. b a thing said to help the memory of an actor etc. c = prompter 2. d Computing an indication or sign on a VDU screen to show that the system is waiting for input. 2?the time limit for the payment of an account, stated on a prompt note. bout 1 [of illness] ataque m [of work] tanda f 2 (= boxing match) combate m; encuentro : a spell of activity: as a : an athletic match (as of boxing) b : OUTBREAK, ATTACK <a bout of lumba-go> c : SESSION perfidia 1. f. Deslealtad, traición o quebrantamiento de la fe debida. perfidy n. breach of faith; treachery. Faithlessness. daze stupefy, bewilder. a state of confusion or bewilderment (in a daze). spiel n. & v. sl. -n. a glib speech or story, esp. a salesman's patter. Rollo, charla, arenga, perorata, cuento, -v. 1 intr. speak glibly; hold forth. 2 tr. reel off (patter etc.). arengar, perorar liberal 1 a). Generosio, desprendido, desinteresado. Tolerante. 1 b) Que ejerce una profesión liberal tradicionalmente de las artes o profesiones que ante todo requieren el ejercicio del entendimiento. 2. Favorable a las libertades intelectuales y profesionables del individuo y a las políticas del Estado. (Nota: parece estarse perdiendo el primer significado en favor del segundo.) reticence 1 reserve, reticence, taciturnity the trait of being uncommunicative; not volunteering anything more than necessary ret·i·cence 1 : the quality or state of being reticent : RESERVE, RESTRAINT 2 : an instance of being reticent 3 : RELUCTANCE reserva, discreción,, silencio discreto, taciturnidad reticencia1. f. Efecto de no decir sino en parte, o de dar a entender claramente, y de ordinario con malicia, que se oculta o se calla algo que debiera o pudiera decirse. 2. Reserva, desconfianza. 3. Ret. Figura que consiste en dejar incompleta una frase o no acabar de aclarar una especie, dando, sin embargo, a entender el sentido de lo que no se dice, y a veces más de lo que se calla. --insinuation, innuendo, irony reticent [gloomy] reservado, discreto, poco comunicativo, callado, de pocas palabras, taciturno reticente lleva connotaciones negativas de insinuating, ironic, sarcastic, misleading/ deceptive, engañoso handsome adj. (handsomer, handsomest) 1 (of a person) good-looking. Hermoso, bello, bien parecido 2 (of a building etc.) imposing, attractive. 3 a generous, liberal (a handsome present; handsome treatment). b (of a price, fortune, etc., as assets gained) considerable. (victory) fácil gentil 1. adj. Idólatra o pagano.Gentile (En) 2. Briososinglet camiseta singlet n. 1 Brit. a garment worn under or instead of a shirt pucker v.tr. & intr. (often foll. by up) gather or cause to gather into wrinkles, folds, or bulges (puckered her eyebrows; this seam is puckered up). Hacer visajes, puckered .wrinkled, fiolded, ceñuda, funcida, surcada de arrugas, en puchero n. such a wrinkle, bulge, fold, etc. Fruncimiento, La contraorden al reparto decidido por Lola y la risa que suscitó sidle : (along, up) walk in a timid, furtive, stealthy, or cringing manner. Walked down cautiously. Avanzar cautelosa o sigilosamente. To go or move with one side foremost especially in a furtive advance, avanzar furtivamente thud : a low dull sound as of a blow on a nonresonant surface. Ruido, golpe o chasquido sordo, scullery: back kitchen where dishes are washed trascocina Pieza que está detrás de la cocina y para desahogo de ella. wan 1 (of a person's complexion or appearance) pale; exhausted; worn. 2 (of a star etc. or its light) partly obscured; faint. 3 archaic (of night, water, etc.) dark, black. 4 languid (smile) Mortecino, marchito, actual (En) real, verdadera, efectivo, concreto, auténtico, mismo [very], en sí, actual (Sp) 1. adj. presente, en el mismo momento. 2. Que existe, sucede o se usa en el tiempo de que se habla. Reciente, reinante, palpitante actually de hecho, en efecto, en realidead, realmente actuality n. (pl. -ies) 1 reality; what is the case [constatación, implementación]. 2 (in pl.) existing conditions. handsome adj. (handsomer, handsomest) 1 (of a person) good-looking. Hermoso, bello, bien parecido 2 (of a building etc.) imposing, attractive. 3 a generous, liberal (a handsome present; handsome treatment). b (of a price, fortune, etc., as assets gained) considerable. (victory) fácil gentil 1. adj. Idólatra o pagano.Gentile (En) 2. Brioso
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